Fogarty EDvance, established in 2012 by the Fogarty Foundation, is a three year school improvement program (SIP) that builds the capacity of school leadership teams to transform the educational outcomes of their students. This unique ‘whole of school’ program is an example of how schools and teachers can be supported to set improvement strategies and make effective change happen in their schools.

Low socioeconomic schools participate in a rigorous whole-school improvement journey supported by a mentor as well as education and organisational experts. It builds the capability of leadership to make informed, evidence-based decisions that drive change and improve classroom teaching practices. The support structures ensure accountability for implementing newly learnt teacher practices and provide assistance in measuring their impact on student outcomes, both individually and collaboratively.

Every school is provided a toolbox of research, ideas, resources and processes from best practice and the cohort of peers support each other by sharing learnings and emerging practice.

Fogarty EDvance’s aim is to make a systemic impact in Western Australia. 111 schools are now part  of the program, with 64 schools having completed the SIP and now part of the alumni network, and 47 schools currently completing the program. All schools have made improvements, with 60% making significant improvement and achieving some remarkable results, such as:

  • Cohort 3 schools participated in the program in 2016-2018.  The primary schools in Cohort 3 were at the time of completing the program, on average, above expected performance in areas of Year 3 and 5 NAPLAN, sometimes by as much as ~1 standard deviation above expected performance.
  • The cohort’s NAPLAN areas at or above expected performance increased from over 50% to over 70%, in less than 3 years.
Impact snapshot for EDvance Program (2019)

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